Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Should you help the homeless?

This afternoon I was in Subway on the westside of Detroit today waiting in line to order a sub. This middle-aged guy that looks relatively healthy comes in and makes eye contact with me. Soon as I look away, he says,"big dog". I already knew that he wanted to ask me for change. I ignored him considering I'm not a "big dog". Besides, I don't know you!

He then goes over to this guy that's sitting down and eating his sandwich. He says some inaudible words to him and then proceeds to walk back over to the garbage can that he was leaning on beforehand. He then says to me,"Hey guy, you think you could throw me a little something?". I say back to him, "I'll see what I have once I pay for my food". Now, mind you, this guy isn't courteous(quite the contrary), friendly, nor respectable bum I've come across by any means. In fact, he appears to be a bit too entitled(especially for a bum, fiend, etc.).

After I pay for my food(a yummy footlong Turkey Breast sub with lots of Chipotle Southwest Sauce) I turn around and don't see the guy. As I'm about to walk out, I noticed that he's sitting at the table next to the door. He says,"You got anything for me". I reach in my pocket and give him 12 cents. He looks at the change in his hand and scoffs at it. I say, "You're welcome" and walk out the store.

This bothers me on so many levels:
1) You are a grown man with the ability to walk and talk with no issues. Why aren't you out looking for work instead of begging for change in fast-food restaurants?
2) If you are going to beg for change, why are you coming at people from a humble angle instead of feeling like you deserve MY money?
3) If someone is gracious enough to give you ANYTHING, you should be eternally grateful, not on such a high horse that you can't even say THANK YOU!

It amazes me the nerve that people have these days. I try to stay humble and give to those that are less fortunate, but more often than not I run across these entitled bums that feel like the world (me) owes them something. SMH!

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