Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Battle of Common vs. Drake

I am absolutely baffled(and disappointed) that two of the best rappers in the game right now are at odds. First, Common releases the song "Sweet" for his new album "The Dreamer The Believer" making claims that rappers who are singing on their songs are "sweet" and even "bitches". When Drake claimed in an interview that Common should address him directly(if that's who he was referring to), Common responded that if Drake felt like he was talking about him then he was. And then it all went downhill....

Drake responded with a subliminal diss on Rick Ross' "Stay Schemin'" track, uttering straight ether such as,"back when n*ggas would reach to grab their weapon, nowadays n*ggas reach just to sell their record" and "you and p*$$y identical/you like the finish line we can't wait to run into you". OUCH!

Days later Common hopped on the self made remix to the same song and had some direct words for Drake like, "You so black and white/tryin' to like a n*igga's life" and "you ain't wettin' nobody n*gga, you Canada Dry". He even went as far as to say "Make no mistake, I'm talking about Drake". This is now officially a beef.

I have a few problems with the situation. There are rumors swirling that the real beef stems from Drake dating Common's ex-girlfriend, tennis star, Serena Williams. If that is indeed true, men should never take it to the booth over a woman that neither can claim (no ring on the finger). The other elephant in the room is that Common has just released an album within the past few weeks (with slow sales) so a rap battle with the biggest rapper out right now would do great to get the streets buzzing about his album. Common, you are an all-time great and doing well in the acting world. You don't need to stoop to these lows at this point in your career!

Ultimately, I just hope that both sides can squash this beef before any further damage is done. As a fan of both artists, I believe that they should be making music WITH each other and not ABOUT each other. Tell me what you think in the comments...

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